Fragen und Antworten

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Fragen zur Mathe und Physik: Wolfram Alpha

Wenn es um reine Wissensfragen geht - insbesondere Fakten und mathematische Fragen - empfiehlt sich Wolfram Alpha (auch als App).

Für immer mehr Themen gibt es Hilfeplatformen, also Webseiten mit Fragen & Antworten ("Questions & Answers", Q&A) und eine virtuelle Community, wo Fragen beantwortet, diskutiert und bewertet werden. Also eine Art spontane und freiwillige Selbsthilfe-Gemeinschaft, bei der man sich nicht unbedingt kennen muss.

Technische Fragen v.a. zu Softwareprojekten: StackOverflow/StackExchange

Für technische Themen besonders bekannt sind StackOverflow und StackExchange GIS, als Sites von StackExchange. DZone, das bekannt ist für Quickguides/Referenzkarten, geht auch in Richtung Q&A.

Q&A Open Source Software

Diese Notizen sind an SW-Entwickler gerichtet.


  • OSQA (Python/Django). OSQA is the open source Q&A system. It is more than just an FAQ page, it is a full-featured Q&A community. Users earn points and badges for useful participation, and everyone in the community wins. OSQA is built and maintained by a team of developers who share an interest in making a great, free, open source Q&A system available to everyone. The OSQA project is hosted and financially supported by DZone, Inc. Is used e.g. in OpenStreetMap Help.
  • shapado (Ruby). Shapdo is a open source Q&A system similar to StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers and some others. It has all the features you would want for a good social Q&A site plus a few more (theming, custom editor), email alerts per questions, following favorite users and one of our key feature is i18n for the UI and for the questions. Tagging and Badging support. /
  • Question2Answer - Q&A system in PHP. A Q&A site helps your online community to share knowledge.
  • LampCMS - Q&A program in PHP. Lampcms is an full-featured Open Source Question and Answers web program with support for social web with the integration with Facebook and Twitter. Lampcms is tag-based, all questions are tagged by the author and can then be grouped by tag.
  • Qwench - PHP StackOverflow Clone. Qwench is a PHP/mySQL based StackOverflow clone. It allows users to post questions and answers and also to post an article as a knowledge-base. It supports points system similar to StackOverflow.

Nicht weiter passend: phpMyFAQ, ASKBOT, Phpaskit, Seekfaq.