QGIS All-in-one Project

Aus Geoinformation HSR
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This is a software project (and plugin) about the exchange of a whole "QGIS project" including configuration and data.

  • An experimental QGIS plugin
  • Author/Developer: Tobias Schmitz and Rafael Krucker from Geometa Lab HSR
  • Project status: In development

See also QGIS, QGIS-Materialien

Project Weblinks:

  • Website: this (tbd. Plugins on QGIS.org)
  • Repository: github ???
  • Project notes, issues, bugs and feature requests => ???


Currently QGIS project files (.qgs) are XML files that contain all the project settings, links to resources and symbolization. Often it would be useful to put everything - including data of map layers - into one project file. When copying/moving project files to other people, it is necessary to manually collect all required files and update the project file. This is even more complicated when working with map layers from databases, web services or temporary (in-memory) data. (See also Martin Dobias' GSoC 2012-Proposal).

The user must be able to specify what should be inside the project:

  1. link everything (no zipping, just plain XML as before)
  2. include everything (put all files into zip),
  3. hybrid (put some resources into zip, keep something as a link, e.g. put symbol SVGs into ZIP but keep original links to layers)

Internally the all-in-one projects could work in a fashion similar to ODT from LibreOffice or KMZ from Google Earth: All files required by the projects would be identified and put into a ZIP file (together with the project XML file). All map layers should be converted to a common file-based format (SpatiaLite/RasterLite).


  • With the forthcoming availability of the GeoPackage, this could be an alternative to ZIP files. (Pirmin)
  • Frage: Wie wird mit Daten umgegangen, die Plugins verlangen (die ev. nicht installiert sind)? (Stefan)