Diskussion:Workshop QGIS Python GeoPython 2018

Aus Geoinformation HSR
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Program Overview

  1. 15 min: Welcome and QGIS installation
  2. 15 min: Intro to QGIS
  3. 30 min: Intro to PyQGIS and Processing framework
  4. 45 min: Creating custom scripts with Hands-on Exercises
  5. 15 min: Wrap-up & Conclusion

Welcome and QGIS Installation (15 min)

  1. Welcome everybody into the workshop, and introduce each other (name, country, what they do, etc)
  2. Make sure everybody has successfully installed QGIS 3.0 from the website (GitHub repo as well as workshop materials will provide the link)
  3. Help out anyone who has any problems installing QGIS 3.0

Intro to QGIS (15 min)

  1. What is QGIS -> GIS -> FOSS4G
  2. History of QGIS (as well as introduce the community, help sites etc)
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of using QGIS
  4. Application of QGIS for GIS Analysis -> PostgreSQL, OSM, etc
  5. Limitations and future work on QGIS

Intro to PyQGIS and Processing Framework (30 min)

  1. What is PyQGIS -> Python console -> however, QGIS is written in C++
  2. How does QGIS C++ code interact with Python console -> Processing Framework
  3. Processing Framework -> QGIS API
  4. PyQGIS features -> scripts, expression functions, graphical modelers, plugins, etc
  5. Why PyQGIS is so powerful -> How does Python come into play

Creating Custom Scripts with Hands-on Exercises (45 min)

  1. Intro to scripting in Python -> automate repetitive tasks -> geospatial analysis
  2. Example of sample script/graphical modeler/plugin (first script I created, Anita's edge bundling scripts, and more tbd)
  3. Open up Processing Toolbox -> setting up path environment and environment variables if need be
  4. Hands-on exercises -> increased difficulty as we go along -> about 3-5 exercises? -> GitHub repo
  5. Talk about ScriptRunner (if time permits)
  6. Standalone scripts, modelers, plugins (brief instructions on how to create)
  7. Further study: GitHub repo, readings, references, communities
  8. Bonus exercises and answers to exercises -> GitHub

Wrap up and Conclusion (15 min)

  1. Brief recap
  2. QGIS closing
  3. Python closing


Geometa Lab Blogpost:

On the 7-9th of May, the university, FHNW, of Muttenz, Basel, will be hosting the Swiss GeoPython Summit following the success of the ones held in 2016 and 2017. And of course, we at the Geometa Lab would be present once again, to present a workshop that incorporates our specialty, Geospatial Data Analysis, as well as the programming language we all love - Python! Our workshop is titled "QGIS Processing Framework: Automating Tasks with Python", which will be held at 1330 - 1530 hours on 7 May.

In a nutshell, the workshop seeks to teach participants basic literacy in the GIS (Geospatial Information System) software, introduce the Processing framework of QGIS, a geoprocessing environment that allows usage and calling of native (like SAGA) and custom algorithms from QGIS, making your spatial analysis tasks more productive and easier to conduct. This will be in accompaniment with the introduction to scripting in Python which is used to help create custom scripts to automate otherwise repetitive and tedious geospataial analytical tasks.

The workshop will start with self introductions, and then making sure that participants have the right version of QGIS 3.x, which is a rather new and big update to previous iterations. Help with setting up and installing QGIS would also be administered if required. After that, we kick off the actual workshop by introducing QGIS - about QGIS, how it came about, what is a FOSS4G, various other software like QGIS, its pros and cons, future works, etc, and more.

Once participants are warmed up to the idea of QGIS, we then talk about how QGIS can be linked to Python, through PyQGIS, its native built in Python console. We will continue with a quick run-through of its capabilities, from performing basic Pythonic equations to high leveled Pythonic scripts, as well as methods native to the QGIS library. We will also explain how the implementation of the PyQGIS is achieved with the Processing framework as well as how it allows us to create custom scripts, among other nifty tools, like the Graphical Modeler and Plugins, via the Processing Toolbox feature.

And now that we have piqued your interest, we move on to the main event. We will show you the Graphical Modeler, Plugin and Processing Script in action to demonstrate the prowess of QGIS and Python, before letting you get down and dirty by trying out our bite sized hands on created specially to help you through this crash course. Finally, once we have all become considerably versed with automating geodata analysis tasks with scripts, we wrap up and conclude our 2 hour workshop and hopefully, you'd be positively reinforced and motivate to learn further on your own!

Keep 7-9th May free - because we sure hope you are looking forward to joining us as much as we are to meet you! For any questions that you may have, definitely do not hesitate to contact us.