
Aus Geoinformation HSR
Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche


  1. Get image to be referenced about a region on earth; e.g. a floor plan from a building ('building map').
  2. Start Google Earth, create "New overlay..." and georeference image.
  3. In Google Earth export overlay as KML (not KMZ) "Save As..." (WICHTIG: Speichern als UTF-8!).
  4. Start WorldFileTool
    1. Choose "Open KML..." (which includes already overlay title, image name, bbox)
    2. (optional) or 1. open image file (e.g. jpg), take worldfile (e.g .jpw)
    3. adds metadata in GUI:
      1. floor (-99..99, default= 0)
      2. priority (1..100 i.e. 1= highest, 0=unkown, no default!)
      3. map type '<background> (1=Landkarte, 0=Gebäudeplan, default= 0)
      4. title (String, default "Karte/Plan ohne Namen")
  5. using WorldFileTool do either...
    1. "Save KML" again (note: rotate image to north if needed, see below)
    2. (optional) Export world file
    3. (optional) Generate 'background map' (includes KML and image) (internet access required).
  6. Use georeferenced image in your GIS viewer (e.g. IndoorWPS), map server or GIS.

There exist alternatives to georeference an image: See GISpunkt Wiki (german) and freegeographytools.com.


Floor: Stock. ACHTUNG:

  • Erdgeschoss => first floor (en_GB: ground floor)
  • 1. Stock => 2nd floor (US)


  • Examples to test load/import (KML without metadata, image):
    • http:files/amklusbach.zip
  • Building map example to test export (KML, image):
    • http:files/gebaeude.zip
  • Background map example to test Google Maps export (KML, image):
    • http:files/background.zip
  • KML with priority
    • (?upload)

Input with "unwanted" rotation parameter; image needs to be rotated to 'north', so that <rotation>-49.84368795876157</rotation> can be left out (= <rotation>0</rotation>):

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2">
   <name>HSR-Gebäude 6 1. Stock</name>


 /* Assumes a world file of a north up image, unprojected and in
    WGS 84, defined with following affine transform parameters
 Point getlat2lon2(Image img, File worldfile)