Editable GeoCSV QGIS Plugin

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EditableCSV QGIS Plugin Icon.png
Screenshot of file open dialog.

Load, edit and save GeoCSV files in QGIS in order to integrate with spreadsheet programs like LibreOffice or Kettle.


This plugin allows files in CSV format to be loaded, edited and saved in QGIS including geometry. This allows to integrate QGIS with spreadsheet programs like LibreOffice [1] or Kettle (see GeoKettle).


What is GeoCSV?
It's the very common CSV text file format (originally ) plus a geometry attibute/field. See the GeoCSV specification.
Why not just use Shapefiles? What's the difference and what's common?
Shapefiles 1. is a binary file format cluttered over three mandatory files (.shp,.dbf,.shx), 2. allows only 10 characters per attibute/field and 3. knows only Point, Linestring, Polygon and MultiPoint. GeoCSV combines a well-known IT text format with geometry encoded as well-known text (WKT) or longitude/latitude. GeoCVS can be directly written and read by common software, like text spreadsheets and text editors.
How can I install this plugin for QGIS?
See the installation steps.
I have a problem with the CSV file; which software do you recommend to edit the CSV file?
Use a good text editor like Notepad++ (Windows) or Sublime (Mac) to do a Search&Replace or save the file as UTF-8.
I have problems opening and saving CSV - which spreadsheet program do you recommend?
We recommend LibreOffice and we recommend to avoid Excel.
I got the following error when opening a GeoCSV file "An error occured while trying to update the CSVT file according to the new attribute types. Please update the csvt file manually."
See the CSVT specification.
I got the following error when opening a GeoCSV file "CSVT file contains incorrect geo attributes. Please set manually."
See the CSVT specification.
I got the following error when opening a GeoCSV file "CSVT file contains too many geo attributes. Please set manually."
See the CSVT specification.
I got the following error when opening a GeoCSV file "Erroneous delimiter detected. The delimiter should be a ';'."
Use a text editor or another CSV tool to set the field delimiter to ';'. GeoCSV has chosen ';' because it's less used in free text than ',' and visible as opposite to 'tab'.


Prerequisites: You need internet access.

Installation steps:

  1. Install QGIS.
  2. enable experimental plugins: Goto menu "Plugins > Manage and install plugins", then
  3. in the Plugins dialog goto tab "Settings" and check "Show also experimental plugins".
  4. In Plugins dialog search for GeoCSV, click on it and install it.