OSGeodata metadata exchange model

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Proposal of an Information Model to exchange spatial metadata

Initial version by S.F.Keller. See also OSGeodata.

Idea: Take the smallest possible information model for geo-metadata which describes data. Dublin Core (DC) is the most well known model.

This is the full list of (possibly repeatable) attributes from DC together with its semantic interpretation and/or enumeration list:

  • Relation: reference - reference to other metadata records
  • Type: text or enum - protocol type, e.g. file, WMS, WFS, etc...
  • Identifier: string - unique id to identify an object in a ceratin context (URL or URN).
  • Title: string - title
  • Coverage.box: - rectangular box (mandatory) in WGS84
  • Coverage.name: String (optionally) a geographic name
  • Description: string - some free text
  • Subject: enum - Classification from ISO 19115 as enum type
  • Language: enum - ISO Code
  • Format: string - File type or name of originating source system
  • Source: string - Lineage information
  • Date: date - publication date or date of last change
  • Creator: string - Data owner, else: data capturer
  • Publisher: string - Distribution informatione
  • Rights: string - license information about the data
  • Contributor: string - not used
  • Audience: string - not used

Attributes to discuss further (all are probably enums): Type (protocol), Identifier, Coverage.box and Coverage.name and Subject