PostgreSQL optimieren

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PostgreSQL Performance Optimierung und Tuning.

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Bevor man beginnt und postgresql.conf etc. verändert...

  • ANALYZE und CLUSTER-Befehl ausführen: Siehe [1].
  • Den aktuellen Zustand testen mit dem Tool pgbench.
  • Es sind nicht so viele Parameter, u.a. random_page_cost='1.1', shared_buffers='60GB', synchronous_commit='off', temp_buffers='120MB', wal_buffers='16MB', max_wal_size='5GB', work_mem='6GB', fsync='off' (Voricht!).

Tipps zur Optimierung (Optimization), Performance, Tuning von PostgreSQL...:

  1. Make sure you have (spatial) indexes on your tables.
  2. Cluster on (spatial) indexes tends to improve performance but mostly good for static spatial data.
  3. PostGIS: A spatial index is more effective on small geometries than larger geometries even for MySQL.
  4. EXPLAIN ANALYZE is your friend -- especially PgAdmin III Graphical Explain - will pinpoint when indexes are not being used and what navigation strategies are being used.
  5. posgresql.conf - fiddling with that a lot has been written -- particularly work_mem is important.
  6. Then there is a whole science on how you write sql queries. In general for PostgreSQL - you can force PostgreSQL to materialize subselects by putting in an ORDER BY and in general a subselect tends to force the planner to evaluate those as a single unit of work, which tends to improve speed in many cases.


  • Postgres kennt "Partial index": Beispiel: "create index i on table2(field2) where field2 <> 0;" Optimiert z.B. folgende Query: select * from table2 where field2<>0; (vgl. Doc.).

Performance Optimierung durch Konfiguration von postgresql.conf

Konfiguration von postgresql.conf (siehe z.B. [2]) durch Parameter heraufsetzen:

  • Speziell bei genügend Memory und wenigen Applikationen und Benutzern:
    • shared_buffers (default 24MB): This is a real killer... bump it to 1-2GB, at least, on a server w/ >4G RAM, up to 8GB (don't go above that w/o good testing..).
    • effective_cache_size (default 128MB ) - Should always be >= shared buffers
    • work_mem – default 1MB is wayyy small
    • maintenance_work_mem – default 16MB small
  • sort_memory - speziell bei order-by oder group-by Klauseln
  • random_page_cost – speziell bei schnellen Disks wie SCSI und RAID

Auto Vacuum einschalten.

Performance Optimierung von Read-Only Datenbanken

Steps in order to secure and speedup such PostgreSQL/PostGIS instance:

1. Re-configure PostgreSQL server parameters (postgresql.conf) as following:


See Gavin M. Roy PGConf 2010 ("Running with Scissors"). Greg Smith wrote (19. April 2011 16:30 on pgsql-performance): "The only other thing you probably want to do is set checkpoint_segments to a big number. Shouldn't matter normally, but when doing this (vacuum) freeze operation it will help that execute quickly. You want a lower maintenance_work_mem on a read-only system than the master too, possibly a higher shared_buffers as well. It's all pretty subtle beyond the big parameters you already identified."


2. Restart server, login as dbadmin, create database, create an app.-user.

3. Load dataset...:

3.1. with owner 'app.-user' (in schema PUBLIC or other?).

3.2. create indexes and cluster:

CREATE INDEX mytable_idx
ON mytable
-- USING btree (upper(last_name), upper(first_name)) -- tbd.

ALTER TABLE member CLUSTER ON member_name_idx;

3.3. Config database:

ALTER DATABASE x SET default_transaction_read_only = on;

3.4. Issue a VACUUM command:


4. Create a 'read-only' user (login role) with only read access to user defined tables:

GRANT SELECT ... TO read_only_user

5. Optimize and secure session by following parameters:

SET transaction_read_only TO TRUE; --?

6. Go to step 3 in case of new data or a harddisk crash.