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pointcloud is a PostgreSQL extension.
Website with documentation and source of pointcloud extension: https://github.com/pramsey/pointcloud
Presentations and blog entries about pointcloud:
- Presentations by Paul Ramsey: FOSS4G 2013 (Sept., Birmingham)/Video of talk, FOSS4GNA 2013 (May, Minneapolis).
- Presentations by Stefan Keller (2013) (deutsch/german): Point Cloud - Erfahrungen mit PostgreSQL Extensions und Big Data. In: Deutschsprachige PostgreSQL-Konferenz 2013 (PGConf.DE 2013), November 2013, Oberhausen, http://2013.pgconf.de/ . Abstract, Slides
- Blog entry (Nov. 2013) by Paul Ramsey: "Manage LIDAR with OpenGeo Suite" at boundlessgeo.com
Community/Support (mailing lists):
- pointcloud extension - http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pgpointcloud/
- pdal - http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pdal
- The only application that supports working with the database "programmatically" is PDAL.
- For visualization, (check if pointcloud_postgis extension is installed, then:) create views or tables using the casts from pcpoint>geometry and pcpatch>geometry to make tables one can look at in QGIS or GeoServer