Webinar Making Maps from OpenStreetMap Data
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- Title: "Making Maps from OpenStreetMap Data"
- by Prof. Stefan Keller
- A UNIGIS International u_Lecture (Webinar)
- Date/Time: Monday, June 10, 2014, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CEST
Contents: This presentation shows how to make own maps given some amount of cartographic knowledge and the established crowdsourcing geospatial data project OpenStreetMap (OSM). The combination of freely accessible worldwide OSM data and open source tools empower people to do cartographic visualization. A core element of this presentation is a handbook(*) with selected software tools and programming scripts. First we go through the steps and tools needed to produce a base or a thematic map provided by a gallery of predefined map styles. Then we look at some yet to be enhanced aspects of preprocessing like database (tag) homogenization and cartographic generalization.
Handbook (*): Making Maps from OpenStreetMap Data (internal weblink) Handout: Slides (.pdf) Recorded Lecture: Video (Youtube)
Ressources mentioned in the online lecture:
- OSM data download:
- Download source of OSM data as Shapefile or as OSM PBF files (worldwide): http://download.geofabrik.de
- Data Conversion:
- GeoConverter - Online tool (uses OGR internally)
- OGR- Desktop converter tool used to extract data, see also HowTo OGR2OGR and GDAL
- Cartographic visualization and rendering:
- umap - Easy web mapping: Example of umap
- QGIS - GIS and universal desktop conversion, editing and rendering tool (uses OGR internally)
- TileMill - Desktop rendering tool, "the design studio for web designers, researchers, journalists and cartographers.
- Cartographic generalization and conversion:
- OGRE - Online Converter and line simplification tool: http://ogre.adc4gis.com/
- Mapshaper - online line simplification tool: http://www.mapshaper.org/
See also:
- 8. UNIGIS-Tag Schweiz, Fr. 19. September 2014 Rapperswil: Programm und Anmeldung...