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  • Siehe HSR-Datenbanken-Wiki .
    94 Bytes (10 Wörter) - 11:57, 4. Sep. 2017
  • ... _catalog.pg_class c2 ON i.indrelid = c2.oid LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON ...
    13 KB (1'935 Wörter) - 10:34, 9. Nov. 2020
  • ... eine Tabelle erstellen: CREATE TABLE user_profile ( user_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES users(user_id), profile HSTORE ); Dann ...
    3 KB (431 Wörter) - 22:30, 18. Jul. 2011
  • ... '''Vortrag Tim Sutton zu 'Quantum GIS - Realising a dream of a free, user friendly GIS for everyone' ''', HIL, ETH Hönggerbeg, ...
    94 KB (11'789 Wörter) - 08:27, 4. Jul. 2024
  • ... github ) which implements a web application to allow users use them in QGIS. End users Users ("style producers") want to '''share a complete QGIS ...
    7 KB (1'091 Wörter) - 21:20, 19. Jun. 2016
  • ... (we have an installer that is part of a bigger suite for our beta users), but I did add experimental binaries that have been tested with ArcGIS 10.1 ...
    8 KB (1'192 Wörter) - 02:12, 2. Feb. 2015
  • ... Google Earth (via ...
    6 KB (964 Wörter) - 17:02, 27. Nov. 2007
  • ... .de ca. 2'800 und EU-weit ca. 6'700 User. Auf der "Talk-de"-Mailingliste gibt es ca. 330 Users, davon ca. 20 Schweizer (.ch und .com-Adressen). Ca. 10 ...
    23 KB (3'216 Wörter) - 23:18, 20. Feb. 2022
  • ... a web app. or a search component out of a desktop GIS (remark: Users don't search services per se). 'Search service providers' enable the discovery ...
    13 KB (2'003 Wörter) - 12:06, 19. Okt. 2008
  • ... RSS Feeds in eine Karte einzubinden . Manske's Gis ...
    6 KB (856 Wörter) - 10:20, 6. Sep. 2018
  • ... ARC_DEGREES=1.0 DOS> ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname='gisdb' user=postgres password='postgres'" hoehen.itf,hoehen.ili -sql "SELECT FROM ...
    30 KB (4'231 Wörter) - 10:06, 14. Mär. 2019
  • ... nearest existing point on a linestring given a point (Snapping 1) A user clicks somewhere on a polyline and we want to get the closest existing ...
    43 KB (5'769 Wörter) - 22:30, 26. Apr. 2022
  • ... Google Earth-Links Stefan's POIs Demo ...
    5 KB (768 Wörter) - 21:16, 29. Mär. 2020
  • ... , when there's a need to store or export results. These are the User Interface Design (UX/GUI) Guidelines for QGIS (click-based e.g. for desktops ...
    6 KB (866 Wörter) - 12:32, 9. Jul. 2024
  • ... lat=47.3029814&lon=8.7344742&zoom=12 Tyrasd OSM QA Feeds (by user defined area): Neis Ones' Result Maps ...
    2 KB (334 Wörter) - 19:37, 16. Apr. 2021
  • ... .php/OSM_Map_On_Garmin , Import/Export der OSM-Daten FAQ ;How to get the ...
    10 KB (1'384 Wörter) - 16:21, 3. Sep. 2020
  • ... eine Anleitung siehe das using-xyz-tile-services ...
    15 KB (2'082 Wörter) - 18:05, 2. Jun. 2020
  • ... , login as dbadmin, create database, create an app.-user. 3. Load dataset...: 3.1. with owner 'app.-user' (in schema PUBLIC or other?). 3.2. create ...
    5 KB (823 Wörter) - 22:01, 31. Jan. 2023
  • ... Leave a note on the web using OnOSM (no login, no user tracking). Write a note on the web directly in OpenStreetMap as a https ...
    6 KB (881 Wörter) - 15:36, 24. Nov. 2017
  • ... -gestellte-fragen-faq/ FAQ auf Es gibt einen Windows User postgres als Datenbank-Admin. Dieser darf keine Windows-Login-Rechte haben ...
    6 KB (811 Wörter) - 01:08, 6. Apr. 2015

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