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  • ... table that will be the union of all polygons. The table looks like: id, the_geom. What would be the best way to union all of the geometries into a new ...
    43 KB (5'769 Wörter) - 22:30, 26. Apr. 2022
  • ... ( as greens from bc_pubs p, bc_voting_areas v where ST_DWithin(p.the_geom, v.the_geom, 500) group by, order by greens desc limit 2 ...
    8 KB (1'337 Wörter) - 17:09, 19. Jan. 2012
  • ... id_a, b.osm_id as osm_id_b, st_transform(b.geom, 3857) as geom from osm_line as a join osm_line as b on (st_touches ...
    28 KB (4'126 Wörter) - 14:17, 2. Mai 2023
  • ... f WHERE = 'Emme' AND f.the_geom && g.the_geom AND ST_Crosses(f.the_geom,g.the_geom) ORDER by name ASC; </pre> Geomunion() und Crosses ...
    10 KB (1'510 Wörter) - 13:26, 13. Sep. 2011
  • ... r_gid, t.gid AS t_gid, MIN( ST_distance( r.the_geom, t.the_geom ) ) AS min_dist FROM rohrleitungen r, tankanlagen t GROUP BY r ...
    13 KB (1'571 Wörter) - 01:26, 22. Jan. 2009
  • ... s.gid, s."name", b."name", b.osm_id, MIN (distance(s.the_geom, b.the_geom) 750) AS min_dist FROM spatial_join s, busstationen_zh b GROUP BY s ...
    12 KB (1'456 Wörter) - 19:32, 10. Feb. 2009
  • ... Gegeben Datei sample2.csv (CSV) mit Geometrien codiert in WKT : ID, NAME, OGR_GEOM_WKT 1, Wert 1, "POINT(12.375 49.618)" 2, Wert 2, "POINT ...
    30 KB (4'231 Wörter) - 10:06, 14. Mär. 2019
  • ... Syntax This is the general syntax for an SQL query: <nowiki> SELECT geom, label FROM our_poi_table WHERE (our_poi_tags contain a tag ...
    9 KB (1'262 Wörter) - 13:43, 14. Nov. 2023
  • ... Koordinaten der Nodes zurück. Eine weitere Variante ist die Ausgabe mit '''out geom;''' (siehe auch welche auch die ...
    12 KB (1'623 Wörter) - 22:35, 16. Sep. 2024
  • ... _ Hint: If you do the following from the Python console: geom = iface.activeLayer().selectedFeatures() 0 .geometry() As soon as you do anything ...
    6 KB (866 Wörter) - 12:32, 9. Jul. 2024
  • ... , trobdb_point, die sich v.a. im Geometrie-Typ des Attributs 'geom' unterscheiden. Die mit "Exch." (=exchange) gekennzeichneten Attribute, d.h. der ...
    9 KB (1'193 Wörter) - 16:30, 30. Jun. 2014
  • ... -type: text name: email GeoJSON fields in "properties" array: "geom_type": String (Values: "point", "line", "poly") "srid": String with ...
    4 KB (247 Wörter) - 14:46, 10. Jun. 2014
  • ... SELECT id, address, ST_MakeValid(ST_GeomFromEWKT(geocode(address))) AS geom FROM my_customers_tmp ) as tmp; Weblinks Generell/Liste ...
    9 KB (1'123 Wörter) - 13:17, 6. Mai 2022
  • ... t.row_number < 2; </pre> Anfrage des Geometrie-Typs ('the_geom' ist der Name des Geometrie-Felds): SELECT FROM sometable WHERE GeometryType ...
    13 KB (1'935 Wörter) - 10:34, 9. Nov. 2020
  • ... , Wert 1 16.198, 50.431, Wert 2 19.628, 51.389, Wert 3 ID, NAME, OGR_GEOM_WKT 1, Wert 1, "POINT(12.375 49.618)" 2, Wert 2, "POINT(16.198 50 ...
    17 KB (2'583 Wörter) - 13:58, 10. Jun. 2021
  • ... dataset lines l, areawater_full pg WHERE ST_Intersects(pg.geom, l.geom) = 1 AND l.railflg = 'Y'; Datasets Bild:HSR_Spatial_Benchmark ...
    15 KB (1'952 Wörter) - 00:58, 10. Feb. 2014
  • ... feat in fc 'features' : name = feat 'properties' 'Nom_abbr' geom = shapely.geometry.asShape(feat 'geometry' ) kant_dict name ...
    2 KB (270 Wörter) - 14:44, 16. Jan. 2013
  • ... ,String,WKT</pre> CSV file 'example2.csv - Option WKT: <pre> id;name;amount;city;geom 1;Kevin;2.1;Rapperswil;POINT(8.8249 47.2274) 2;Eva;2.2;Zürich ...
    8 KB (1'195 Wörter) - 13:31, 22. Feb. 2016
  • ... Comma Separated Value (CSV). Durch einen SQL-Befehl (-sql "select ,OGR_GEOM_WKT FROM ...") kann auch WKT -Geometrie geschrieben werden. - bgcolor ...
    15 KB (2'107 Wörter) - 15:05, 4. Mai 2014
  • ... e.g. with following SQL script: <code>SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(way) geom FROM osm_poi WHERE tags @> hstore('tourism','zoo')</code> ...
    2 KB (252 Wörter) - 17:17, 10. Jun. 2019

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